* D-Man ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> Interesting ... from my understanding UDP is a connectionless
> protocol, and as such packets aren't guaranteed to arrive at the
> destination.  It seems to me that for a file system, you really want
> all the packets to arrive.  How is this not a problem?  (BTW, I'm just
> beginning in networking programming and have no NFS experience yet,
> but don't be afraid to give gory programming details :-))

IIRC the idea was that you don't want to use NFS over slow and unreliable
internet links anyway, you'll only use it on the LAN. Packet loss isn't 
much of an issue there; OTGH, performance penalty caused by TCP overhead 
is, esp. if you're trying to e.g. swap to an NFS drive.

It's a reasonable trade-off, given that there were no gigahertz CPUs or 
gigabit ethernets. With modern hardware it's the other way around: we'd
rather have reliable transport and a [usually negligible] TCP overhead.

E-mail dmaziuk at bmrb dot wisc dot edu (@work) or at crosswinds dot net (@home)
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