on Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 03:13:34PM -0400, dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 11:39:27AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> | on Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 11:23:19AM -0400, dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> | > 
> | > This isn't really Debian related, but I'm having some trouble with X
> | > over ssh.  I am at a win2k box with XWin32 running (& access control
> | > disabled).  I use ssh (from cygwin) on that box to login to a FreeBSD
> | > box (our webhosting server).  The DISPLAY variable is correctly set,
> | > but whenever I try to run an X app I get :
> | 
> | It's not clear from what you've posted that:
> | 
> |   - You're requesting X forwarding on the client side.
> |   - You've allowed X forwarding on the server side.
> | 
> | Post your SSH invocation and look at your daemon logs for connection
> | attempts on the remote server.
> Ok :
> On the client side I have the following in my ~/.ssh/config
>     Host redoaksw.com
>         User        redoaksw
>         ForwardX11  yes
>         Compression yes
>         Protocol    2
> When I login I get : 
> $ ssh redoaksw.com
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth: not found
This seems to be your problem.  From ssh manpage, you may want to set an
appropriate XAuthLocation, as the default isn't working.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>          http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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