Elm predates any microsoft email product...  Try to quote stuff in elm,
the cursor goes to the beginning of the text.

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Bud Rogers wrote:

>On Tuesday 04 September 2001 22:43 pm, Craig Dickson wrote:
>> Karsten is using the word as it is commonly used among computer
>> professionals. When some previously-common (or even not so common)
>> practice or standard is superseded and no longer recommended, it is said
>> to be "deprecated". One often sees a phrase such as "strongly deprecated"
>> in reference to something that is not merely no longer recommended, but
>> actively discouraged or considered a Very Bad Thing.
>Except that in this case we're not talking about a practice that was not
>previously common or even not so common.  We're talking about a practice that
>was virtually unknown until Microsoft flooded the market with badly broken
>mail and news clients that make it very difficult to properly quote or
>attribute anything.

         * You are not expected to understand this.
--comment from Unix system 6 source, credited to Lions and Johnson
Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who: finger me for GPG key

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