On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 11:17:48PM +0200, Martin F Krafft wrote:
| also sprach Dimitri Maziuk (on Sun, 16 Sep 2001 02:38:55PM -0500):
| > We didn't run luser apps on it, except Access (well, DAO, actually).
| > Other than that it was serving files 24/7. And it was NT _server_,
| > not WS.
| <rant>
| oh, so you mean it was optimized for network access? hah! well, i have
| one of those servers standing right here, running *only* checkpoint
| firewall-1 on a *fresh* install, with *flawless* hardware, and guess
| what - crashes every fifteen minutes paradiddle style - 

paradiddle?  Must be a drummer :-).  (my brother is a drummer)

|    ||: freeze,     bluescreen | freeze,     freeze       ||
|    ||  bluescreen, freeze     | bluescreen, bluescreen. :||
| and while we're at it, ever noticed this:
|   "the file C:\WINNT\system32\dhcp.dll could not be found
|    on the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Disk 1 CD.
|    please insert the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server
|    Disk 1 CD."
| really? C:\WINNT\system32\dhcp.dll cannot be found on D:???
| as in "on the CD"?
| but if I put the CD *in*, it'll find it?
| thought so, but these thoughts were a little too utopic.
|    Please specify the location of C:\WINNT\system32\dhcp.dll
| well then: "C:\WINNT\system32\dhcp.dll<enter>"
| oooh. now it found it.
| are these Redmond dorks just *stupid*???
| </rant>

Oh, yeah, you were trying to install something.  In my experiences
installing a NIC is many many times easier with Debian (or other linux
system, I've never tried installing another unix) than with Windows.
| sorry, this is giving me headaches...

I think it gives everyone headaches when they must venture into ...


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