Adam McDaniel wrote:

> I'm curious if anyone here has any knowledge of Debian, in any future
> release, will prompt the user to install an ext3 filesystem during
> the initial install.
> Ofcourse, im not 100% familair with the status of ext3, but is it even
> at that stage of production right now?

Isn't Red Hat using it that way in their latest release?

As for Debian, I have no inside knowledge, but I would guess that once
ext3 is part of the standard Linux kernel, it would be appropriate to
modify the installation scripts to offer that option. Currently ext3 is
available in Alan Cox's kernels, and as a patch to Linus' kernels. Word
is that Linus may integrate the code into his kernels "soon", whatever
that means. My hope is that it will happen in the 2.4.11-13 frame, but
it might not happen until 2.5.

I haven't been paying terribly close attention to Woody, but isn't it
essentially frozen except for bug fixes at this point? In which case,
it's unlikely to take a major change like a new filesystem. So as far as
Debian Stable goes, I would be surprised to see ext3 built-in until the
next release after Woody, which is to say, more than a year from now.


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