#include <hallo.h>
Samuli Suonpaa wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2001 um 01:41:08PM:
> > When Woody comes, there will probably be a different flavour on each
> > CD-ROM. So you have 5 CDs and depending on which you insert, you
> > will get one of [ default | ide | ide-pci | reiserfs | udma100-ext3
> > ] installation systems.
> For what it's worth, rather than support for every possible journaling
> filesystem, I'd like to see boot-images with support for LVM.

Nothing is inpossible, but it is not easy. I guess you wish the
installation system to have all needed LVM tools on the installation
disk, and the installer should interact with the user, help him creating
LVM, etc, etc. This would be a problem since we have very limited disk
space on that floppy, and allmost all is used, at least on RISC

But if you can say which _minimal_ things are needed, this may be a try.
Subscribe debian-boot for doing proposals.

User:     Ich hätte gern ein paar MByte Speicher.
malloc(): OK. Welche Sicherheiten haben sie?

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