#include <hallo.h>
Craig Dickson wrote on Tue Sep 25, 2001 um 09:12:23AM:

> it's unlikely to take a major change like a new filesystem. So as far as
> Debian Stable goes, I would be surprised to see ext3 built-in until the
> next release after Woody, which is to say, more than a year from now.

Well, we do allready have patch-package for 2.2.19 and 2.4.9 and
kernel-image-2.2.19-udma100-ext3 in Woody. The stuff may not be in the
kernel source itself, but applying a patch-package is quite easy.

Wer Stabilität aufgibt, um Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu bekommen, verdient
keins der beiden und bekommt meist auch keins.
                                        -- frei nach B. Franklin

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