Quoth Joerg Johannes, 
> I'm trying to get xine to work in fullscreen mode, but I can't get it.
> I have a GeForce card with nvidia drivers, XV is working, but xine only
> shows up in window mode ("F" during playback has no effect, and "-pf" on
> the command line neither...)
> I'm using the xine-ui deb from unstable. Has anybody managed to get
> fullscreen? What am I missing?

I've got a self-compilted 0.92, and full-screen works. 

Have you actually tried pressing the full-screen button? It looks like a
`X', but with chunky ends (as opposed to the close button, which just
looks like an `X' without chunky ends).

Appart from that, I don't know what to suggest. I certainly did not need
to make it suid root (*shudder*) to get it working.



Damon Muller :: Department of Criminology :: University of Melbourne

I am Revenge: sent from the infernal kingdom,
To ease the gnawing vulture of thy mind,
By working wreakful vengeance on thy foes.
  -- Titus Andronicus

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