In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Stephen E. Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On the 2.2.18 kernel, mount /swlf works perfectly.  I recently upgraded
>the kernal to 2.4.6, and now all of my mounts time out.  The following
>appears in my /var/log/messages:
>Oct 24 09:10:17 calypso kernel: portmap: server localhost not responding,
>timed out

You're not running 'portmap' on the client or /etc/hosts.allow
prevents access to it. Fix that.

Alternatively mounting with the "nolock" option might help. The userlevel
NFS server doesn't support it anyway.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

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