On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 09:20:38AM -0500, Tom Allison wrote:
> I want to load /usr/local/mozilla as part of PATH.  I thought I could do 
> this under .profile - but I either fat-fingered something or it just 
> ignored it.
> Similarly, I have added 'export CVSROOT=/var/lib/cvs' to .profile.
> But when I open an xterm window ... there is no CVSROOT.

Read 'man bash', in the INVOCATION section. ~/.profile isn't read by
non-login shells, which are what xterm runs (unless you give it the -ls

What I normally do is put all shell initialization commands in
~/.bashrc, then have '[ -f ~/.bashrc ] && . ~/.bashrc' in
~/.bash_profile to source ~/.bashrc if it exists. It's less confusing
that way.

Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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