On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 09:21:33AM -0500, Tom Allison wrote:
> Colin Watson wrote:
> >Usually, to avoid confusion, I don't even do that: I just set the
> >cvsroot for the few commands that need it using the -d switch. For
> >example:
> >
> >  cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs co foo
> >
> >  cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/bar login
> >  cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/bar co quux
> >
> >... then, after that, drop the -d switch and its argument.
> Does this then carry all three values as CVSROOT?  are you appending or 
> replacing?

-d uses the cvsroot you give *for that command only*. The working
directory checked out by CVS has a CVS/Root file in it, which CVS uses
from then on to track the current cvsroot.

> I assume then you have to just make sure that no two repositories are 
> working on a project by the same name?

No need. CVS will figure it out.

Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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