On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 20:44:01 -0500
> So I was wondering about if there are any good, _small_ browsers like
> that. I tried mozilla on my system, and I had enough time to eat lunch
> while it started up (I have since removed mozilla).
> I have X4 installed and working, but I don't want to install any
> desktop managers.

As much as I hate to say it, your only option(as far as I can see) is
the non-Free Netscape 4.xx.

Make sure you have a non-Free entry in your sources.list, and then:

'apt-cache search ^netscape'

That should return a netscape-java-<something> package which you can
'apt-get install'.


/    David Barclay Harris            Aut agere, aut mori.      \
\        Clan Barclay              Either action, or death.    /

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