On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 08:44:01PM -0500, Seneca Cunningham wrote:
| I have a small system (100MHz pentium, 900M /usr, 1024K video ram) that I
| want to access the internet on.

'links' is real small and lightweight

| A problem that I have is that when the
| network that I use was set up, the gateway software that was decided upon
| requires the browsers used to have java support.

ugh!  No chance of escaping bloat now!

| So I was wondering about if there are any good, _small_ browsers like that.
| I tried mozilla on my system, and I had enough time to eat lunch while it
| started up (I have since removed mozilla).

mozilla, galeon, netscape have java support (see the 'j2sdk1.3'
package from blackdown).  Not exactly light though.  I use galeon
myself, and have it start when I login and leave it running in its own
workspace.  (I like GNOME too)  It's kinda like emacs -- so heavy that
you start it once and never quit it because it takes too long to
startup again.



Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former.
        Albert Einstein

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