On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 20:44, Seneca Cunningham wrote:
> I have a small system (100MHz pentium, 900M /usr, 1024K video ram) that I
> want to access the internet on. A problem that I have is that when the
> network that I use was set up, the gateway software that was decided upon
> requires the browsers used to have java support. I can't get away from it, I
> need a browser with java support to access the internet (the main reason why
> I still use windoze).
> So I was wondering about if there are any good, _small_ browsers like that.
> I tried mozilla on my system, and I had enough time to eat lunch while it
> started up (I have since removed mozilla).
> I have X4 installed and working, but I don't want to install any desktop
> managers.
> Thanks for any help,
> Seneca

Try Opera. It's non-free, but it seems like what you want. I personally
would prefer Galeon, but that won't work if you don't want to install

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