On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 10:34:06AM -0800, Brandon N wrote:
> I am trying to get apt to install the blackdown java files, the URL of
> the Packages.gz file is:
> http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian/dists/woody/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> What should the line in the sources.list file be?
> According the the man page, I should be able to do 
> deb
> http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian/dists/woody/non-free/binary-i386/
> but that doesn't seem to work

deb http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian woody 

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, MCSE
4th year CompSci/Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

Of course Pacman didn't influence us as kids. If it did,
we'd be running around in darkened rooms, popping pills and
listening to repetitive music.

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