On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 08:23:56PM -0500, dman wrote:
> What is your "raw" data?  Do people always spool only Postscript,
> plain text, and PCL?

Well, actually, yes...

> What will happen on your current setup if I try
>     lp -d <some_raw_spooled_to_jetdirect_printer> foo.dvi
> or
>     lp -d <some_raw_spooled_to_jetdirect_printer> foo.pdf
> ?

There are really only two people here who know enough to send a
file directly to a printer...  I'm a TeX/dvips/ps junkie and the
other guy tends to write PCL by hand.  All the rest of the people on
the network are "non-technical" users who load plain text into
StarOffice and hit the 'print' button.

You do have a good point, though, regardless.

> At work we have some jetdirect boxes too, and I found that I _can't_
> send a PDF file directly with 'lp', if I set my spool to raw.

Never tried it myself, but I have been wondering about the limits of
the magic in those boxes.

>     b)  a server to mediate between the workstations and the jetdirect
>         box to convert from whatever data format the user wants to
>         throw at it to a data format the printer can actually
>         understand

Our old setup was basically like this.  Then the server everything
was channeled through had the /var partition go physically bad...
We're putting it on a more robust box this time and switching from
lpd to CUPS, but the basic layout is staying the same.  CUPS just
always works so well with the JetDirects that the possible need for a
filter hadn't occurred to me until the DBA brought up enscript.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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