On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 07:12:34PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
| On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 06:50:08PM -0500, dman wrote:
| > On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 12:21:44PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
| > | I'm in the process of migrating several systems from lpd to CUPS and
| > | it's going pretty well aside from one detail:  lpd has its if= in
| > | printcap, which provides an easy hook for throwing enscript filters
| > | into the printing process.  I haven't been able to find an equivalent
| > | hook in CUPS.
| > 
| > I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you're looking for or not,
| > but for one particular queue I have this line in
| > /etc/cups/ppd/<printer_name>.ppd :
| > 
| > *cupsFilter:        "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 cupsomatic"
| Looks similar...  The one potential sticking point is that all the
| printers have JetDirect or similar cards that maintain their own lpd
| spoolers, so we're not currently using any ppds, just sending the raw
| print job to the printer's own spooler.  So this might work or it
| might not...

What is your "raw" data?  Do people always spool only Postscript,
plain text, and PCL?  What will happen on your current setup if I try
    lp -d <some_raw_spooled_to_jetdirect_printer> foo.dvi
    lp -d <some_raw_spooled_to_jetdirect_printer> foo.pdf

At work we have some jetdirect boxes too, and I found that I _can't_
send a PDF file directly with 'lp', if I set my spool to raw.  The
reason being that the JetDirect box is a spooler, not a converter.  It
doesn't convert the PDF to PS or PCL first, thus the printer spews PDF
code.  If I set the driver/filter to a certain printer, then CUPS will
convert from PDF to a format the printer can handle and then hand off
the data to the JetDirect box for spooling.  (admittedly we have
low-end jetdirect boxes and those are the only ones I have experience

I think you'll want to set up either
    a)  the printer type on each workstation
    b)  a server to mediate between the workstations and the jetdirect
        box to convert from whatever data format the user wants to
        throw at it to a data format the printer can actually

(now I want a filter that automatically converts dvi->ps, but maybe
some other day ...)

| > If I was in your position, I would try creating a shell script that
| > pipes through enscript.  Before I had the cupsomatic package, I used
| > this for that printer :
| Makes sense.  I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
| > You could probaby stick enscript in there instead of gs.  (I figured
| > this out by reading the CUPS Programmers manual
| So that's where the information is hiding!  I'd checked the Admin
| manual, but didn't think to try the Programmers manual...  Thanks for
| the pointer!

You're welcome.



He who finds a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the Lord.
        Proverbs 18:22

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