On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Dave Sherohman wrote:

> and, perhaps worst of all, sites that abandon HREF tags in favor of
> javascript event handlers that are functionally identical, aside from
> breaking if javascript is disabled.  The entire concept of "graceful
> degradation" appears to have been forgotten.

Which is completely insane, the only time I ever see this is for stupid
things like tracking where people go on a website, despite the fact all
they'd have to do is write a script that parses the referrer logs, add
an apache module, or (best yet) use a cookie to do this (because the
user can easily opt out of this, especially in more modern browsers like
Mozilla that don't have an all-or-nothing attitude towards cookies).

> Odder still, we have arrived in a state where "browser independent"
> has somehow come to mean "uses a variety of highly browser-specific
> techniques to ensure that it always looks the same" rather than "it
> doesn't care what browser you're using".

Another group of lowlife morons who should be violently killed in front
of thier children.

> the job.  Nonstandard HTML extensions may make it possible for you,
> but if you really want/need absolute consistency, I've heard than PDF
> is a much better option.

However, this tends to also alienate high portions of your audience.


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