On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Tom Cook wrote:

> Why is it *so* hard to build a browser that is
> (a) Standards compliant
> (b) Small
> (c) Fast
> (d) Extensible (so you can look at all-flash sites if you want)

I'll make an observation:  Pick three.  Your selection will be mutually
exclusive to the remaining option.

> People just don't seem able to do it.  Micro$oft can't, Netscape can't,
> Sun had a go at it, KDE is closeish, galeon seems not ideal...  They're
> all slow, or have strange foibles, or won't display
> java/flash/pdf/name-your-poison or just plain segfault every three
> minutes like the good 'ol nutscrape versions (as one of my colleagues
> refers to them).  What gives?

Mozilla is standards compliant, fast, and extensible.


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