>>"Jaldhar" == Jaldhar H Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Jaldhar> Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 >> And it is my right to fight tooth and nail to prevent debian
 >> from sliding into censorship, since that makes debian worse.

 Jaldhar> While all this bickering was going on, the maintainer did
 Jaldhar> actually remove the offensive bit.

        Yes. Upstream seems to have admitted that this particular
 case was an oversight.

 Jaldhar> So the censorship has already occurred.

        Look at the definition of the word. Since the author (and the
 maintainer have retracted the message, your use of the word censor
 is, umm, mostly inflammatory. 

 Jaldhar> If Manoj is serious about "fighting tooth and nail" (and not
 Jaldhar> just trying to score debating points as I suspect,) he has
 Jaldhar> the same choice convince the maintainer, fork the package or
 Jaldhar> shut up.

        Thank you. I did not think I needed instruction in how the
 project operated, but thanks. And you should really read what you
 respond to, and try not to quote things out of context. What I
 actually said was: 

 Manoj>  And it is my right to fight tooth and nail to prevent debian
 Manoj>  from sliding into censorship, since that makes debian worse.

        Indeed, if you read the context I was speaking in, I was
 defending the right of people to voice their opinions in this

        In this particular case (which really interests me little),
 the situation has been resolved. My concern is the so called calls
 for policy 

 >> After all, I tolerate the bible, and the dhamapada. And such
 >> superstition is far more insidious than racism.

 Jaldhar> The really insidious thing about these debates is the vapid
 Jaldhar> philosophizing that goes on...

        I see. Any philosophizing that is not done ny you, or meets
 your parameters, is now bland? 

 Jaldhar> My view is very simple.  There are no facts in such cases
 Jaldhar> just subjective opinions so the subjective opinion of he who
 Jaldhar> does the work is the only one that counts.

        I suppose this is far less trite and banal than all the other
 people philosophizing on the subject, despite the putative
 simplicity. One bows to the master.

 Where is John Carson now that we need him? RLG
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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