>>"Jaldhar" == Jaldhar H Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Jaldhar> Censorship is suppression of an idea based on its' content.  I didn't
 Jaldhar> quote that from a dictionary but would you agree that's a reasonable
 Jaldhar> definition?

        Not quite. You are missing the significance of the roman

        But did censorship occur here? upstream said that this was an
 oversight, a mistake. I often change documents I author because the
 content from the previous draft displeased me. Am I then constantly
 censoring myself? 

 Jaldhar> Inflammatory or not, there was an offensive text, now there
 Jaldhar> isn't.  And the reason there isn't is because it was deemed
 Jaldhar> offensive.  Censorship.

        No, the reason it is not here since the author did not intend
 to convey that sentiment. It was inadvertent, and no external
 authority mandated the change.

 Jaldhar> And why should it be inflammatory?  That kind of censorship
 Jaldhar> goes on all the time.  Why, just today I censored two
 Jaldhar> invitations to acquire credit cards and a menu from a
 Jaldhar> Chinese restaurant.  While I'm sure someone at Shanghai
 Jaldhar> Gardens is very upset about this I doubt the ACLU is rushing
 Jaldhar> to take the case.

        I reiterate my exhortation to consult a real
 dictionary. Language is meant for communication, if you cant trst
 what the meaning of the word is is, you often cannot communicate

 >> In this particular case (which really interests me little),

 Jaldhar> Which was another point.  Most of the people involved in
 Jaldhar> this debate (it was wrong of me to single your name out)
 Jaldhar> really don't care yet they all act as if the wrong answer
 Jaldhar> was going to result in the end of civilization as we know
 Jaldhar> it!  weird.

        I care little for the specific case, but yes, the underlying
 principle is something I hold dear.

 "...one of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is
 escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless
 dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A
 finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into
 the world of objective perception and thought." Albert Einstein
 Quotes On Math and Science and Education
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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