On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 05:27:51PM -0400, Thomas Good wrote:
| On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
| > > The subject prefix is widely used by sites running majordomo.
| > > One example is PostgreSQL.  I've been on several lists there for
| > > years and never heard anyone complain about the [SQL] subject
| > > prefix (or any other.)  Odd.
| >
| > Until you find that you don't need it. Then you'll start wondering why
| > it was on there in the first place.
| But supposing I like it...is there a procmail hack to prepend to the
| subject header?

Yeah, you can do it if you want.  I've got maildrop set up to strip
those bothersome tags from the other lists I'm on.  With one (sf)
list, the bug submission messages have _no_ room on the screen for the
subject because the list+bug tags are TOO long.  Now it's not a
problem because I strip it from the header.

| On a tangent: I personally don't much like the spam assassin thing
| of storing spam on my hard disk.

So don't store it.  Do whatever else you like with it.

| Is there a procmail hack to bounce the crud back to its rightful
| owners?

No.  The sender addresses are (almost) always forged.  The best you
can do is this :

(run SA at SMTP time and don't even accept the message in the first
| I'm sick of Vortex, Vertex or whatever that purveyor of laser toner is
| called this week.  I bounce most of the nonsense using sendmail's
| access hash table but when this guy changes his address his junk mail
| winds up in the spam assassin dust bin, whereas I'd really rather bounce
| it back.  To me, this is something to get excited about.  ;-)
| (I dunno about you but I feel compelled to examine the contents of
| spam assassin's trash bin - morbid curiousity?)

Use an ACL in exim 4 :-).  You can reject the mail based on whatever
condition you like.  Checking SA's droppings is good in case it tagged
anything incorrectly.
| > Perhaps it has to do with the (alleged) vast majority of mail clients
| > out there are decidedly unfriendly when it comes to choosing which
| > headers to display and use for sorting/filing... <small>Personally I
| > don't care for that and use procmail...</small>
| I'm willing to have a go with procmail - presently I'm using Paul
| Johnson's little filter to move my debian mail to ~/mail/debian.
| Not what I wanted but better than before!

What did you want?



The Consultant's Curse:
    When the customer has beaten upon you long enough, give him
what he asks for, instead of what he needs.  This is very strong
medicine, and is normally only required once.

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