* Hans Ekbrand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020625 05:03]:
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 07:41:42AM -0400, christophe barbé wrote:
> > Could you avoid posting to a mailing list by doing a reply to a current
> > thread and changing the subject ? I don't know for pine but on MUA able
> > to display the threads, it's boring to see a thread in another simply
> > because you can type the ml address by yourself or save it in your
> > address book.
> Agreed. It makes it harder than it ought to be to manage this
> high-volume list (Deleting a whole thread is very convenient, but
> thread stealing undo the gain of an intelligent MUA).

Of course, we all wish they'd stop doing that, but there will always be
people who do. Mutt's thread editing patch works wonders for this. It's
included by default in mutt 1.4. Then you can just hit '#' on the
offending messages and voila! It breaks the thread.

good times,
"Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes." -E.W. Dijkstra

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