On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 07:41:42AM -0400, christophe barbé wrote:
> Could you avoid posting to a mailing list by doing a reply to a current
> thread and changing the subject ? I don't know for pine but on MUA able
> to display the threads, it's boring to see a thread in another simply
> because you can type the ml address by yourself or save it in your
> address book.

Agreed. It makes it harder than it ought to be to manage this
high-volume list (Deleting a whole thread is very convenient, but
thread stealing undo the gain of an intelligent MUA).

Note that I use Debian version 3.0
Linux emac140 2.4.17 #1 sön feb 10 20:21:22 CET 2002 i686 unknown

Hans Ekbrand

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