Bad move.  You mean you 'downgraded' to stable since stable uses much older 
packages than unstable.

Use a rescue cd ... take your pick ... knoppix, kanotix, sysresccd, any of the 
gentoo live cd's.  Boot that cd, then mount the partition with the files you 
want to save.  Grab those.  Then, if you made a backup of your older filesystem 
before you upgraded then you can mount that and replace the 'upgraded' 
filesystem.  You did make backups didn't you?  If not, then after grabbing the 
files you didn't want to lose ... start for scratch ... and don't attempt 
something so foolish again.

On Wed, 06 Jul 2005, Björn Johansson delivered in simple text monotone:

> Hello.
> I had a unstable Debian 3.1 on my Powerbook "Lombard G3" then I upgraded to 
> 3.1 stable
> and now I only get a white screen at startup (after the boot questions of 
> course).
> This is is the text I get:
> ... ok
> What should I do? This doesn't feel good at all. :-(
> Should I reformat the harddrive and begin from scratch??
> I REALLY don't want to this, since I will lose some files, but if I haveto
> I will do it. The system is now in an unusable state, is there no rescue
> boot image where I can burn down somewhere and use?
> Kind regards
> Bj�rn, Sweden

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