On Sat, 2006-12-30 at 22:03 +0000, Digby Tarvin wrote:
> 1. John Bradley's xv program was in the debian archive for Etch
>       when I installed it back in April:
>       /var/cache/apt/archives/xv_3.10a-1duo+etch1_i386.deb
> 2. It is not there now.
> 3. When I referred to it not being in the 'package database' I meant
>       that I didn't find any mention of its existance (or removal) in
>               http://packages.qa.debian.org/common/index.html
>       which is where I had found messages referring to the removal
>       of xearth.
> So what puzzles me is why it is no longer in 'non-free', and if
> it was removed because of some objection to the licensing terms,
> surely there should be something documenting this??

Are you quite sure it was in the official Debian archives? I can only
find it in the non-free section on debian-unofficial.org, and the
package name seems to match.

I also found this old bug from 2001, dealing with removing xv from the
archive as distribution of modified binaries is prohibited.

Sven Arvidsson
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