Hello all

This is a real newbie question and I am now out of my depth.

I have built a system out of my scrap box to experiment with Debian (netinst from testing) using a RIVA TNT2 video card(nv drivers) and Panasync 5G crt.

Using the gui for screen resolution I attempted to change between the offerings ie 1024 x 768 @ 61hz,(would have expected 60hz here)800 x 600 and 640 x 480, no other refresh rates available. If I attempt to change from 1024 x 768 the screen blanks and returns me to the log in screen.

I have found reference to the video card in the /var/log/x.org log and a lot of permutations for display settings which don't seem to correlate with the crt,s spec of H 30-64 V 50-160.

Any help in trying to resolve this problem would be welcome.

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