Joe Hart wrote:
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steef wrote:
Joe Hart wrote:
steef wrote:

I really just wish that Christians would adhere to the lessons that they
so firmly believe in.  But alas, we have a whole lot of people that seem
to do well on Sunday and forget about the rest of the week.

Is it a turn the other cheek world we live in or is the eye for an eye

nice talking, joe. i have a question: what do you think of the thesis:
'where belief begins reason ends' ??
I assume you're referring to the above.

As for the thesis, it is intriguing, but I would think that a devout
person would pick it to pieces.

well that is a suggestive answer. but not an answer with too much

Well, it's an empty thesis.  ;)

Actaully, I think it would be better stated "where reason ends belief
begins", but that is not very accurate.  A better way to phase it would
be "Where reason ends, faith begins."

so the question is now: where ends reason. is there an end to reason?
The problem might stem from the fact that geloof means both believe and
faith in Dutch, but in English there is a distinctions between the two.
being a dutchman too i do agree to that as a matter of 'of course'. so: is there an end to reason, or looked at from a different angle: a beginning to a belief/faith? historically many times reasoning as a 'product' of reason ended beliefs embedded in faith (with due respect to 'believers' like roberto and celejar)

Faith is by definition believing in something that cannot be proven, and
that is what religion usually is.  It is not wrong to believe in a
faith, and Roberto and Celejar do a good job of defending their religion.
mmmmm. typically dutch: this knotting of these 'two ropes'. of course it is not up to me to decide what is right or wrong to believe in, i.c. a faith, for somebody else. i distance myself from these value-judgements.

I fall more into Greg's camp.

yes joe, so do i.

ps: read an old book: the wu-li dancing masters or/and the ancient work of paul feyerabend.



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