On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 20:31, john gennard wrote:
> Normally, I've used make config for kernel recompiling.
> I've decided to move a Woody installation to the 2.4.x
> kernels (2.4.21 in fact) and use make menuconfig so
> that I can 'go back' to alter mistakes.
> The compilation went fine (I thought), but when I looked 
> at the config file I see menuconfig has changed two of
> my selections (my own fault for not checking before
> 'make dep' and 'make-kpkg').
> How can I re-use menuconfig to alter just the two 
> selections. I tried to run it again, but it uses the
> original defaults and not the selections I have already
> made.
> I recollect someone asking the same question some time
> ago, but I can't find the answer in the archives.
> Can anyone help, please.
> John.

make menuconfig (and any config actually) uses the .config file if it
exests. If it uses the default then the .config file was erased.
If you created a deb package (make-dpkg does that) then it will install
the config file you used under /boot/config-<version>.
If you didn't install the package then you can in some temporary
directory do
ar x <package>
this will create several file. Open data.tar.gz and you will find the
config under boot/config-<version>
copy this file to .config in the kernel source root directory and run
make menuconfig again.
BTW I don't think you need make dep before make-kpkg, I never use it and
never caused a problem.

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