Aaron wrote:
> I had someone SSHed into my box the other day (my laptop) while at
> work and I wanted to screw with him by booting him off.

I assume you had previously given this person a valid login on your
system or otherwise they would not have been able to log in.

> I obviously have root on my box, but I wonder if there is any
> "official" or "proper" way to make a user leave the system?

You might look into 'pkill' with the -u option.

  pkill -HUP -u guest ; sleep 5 ; pkill -KILL -u guest

> Something along the lines of a "kick" is what I'm after. I achieved
> the same result by killing his topmost bash process, but not only is
> that probably dangerous and unpredictable, it doesn't let me add a
> mean message ;-)

It is friendly to kill with SIGHUP so that processes have the
opportunity to clean and not leave temporary files and other trash
hanging around.  Any processes which don't leave within a reasonable
delay can be killed more forcefully.

If you want to send a message then 'wall' and 'write' are the typical

> What do sysadmins do if they find a user is doing something malicious
> and they want them gone? From a real world standpoint I can see the
> benefits to having such a capacity, even if my intentions are less
> than noble.

If you want them gone then don't forget to prevent them from logging
in again.  And don't forget about any ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files.

  man nologin
  man deluser

Other related programs are 'autolog' and 'timeoutd'.


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