On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 11:08:19AM +1100, hce wrote:

> > You're the client here not the server. For gmail as relayhost I have
> > this setup:
> Does that mean I don't need to worry about ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem and
> ssl-cert-snakeoil.key, were they created by server?

I never cared about those and my setup works just fine.
> I added those as per above, but same errors:
> Dec 15 11:01:15 debian postfix/smtp[4779]: certificate verification
> failed for smtp.gmail.com: num=20:unable to get local issuer
> certificate

This I don't know

> Dec 15 11:01:15 debian postfix/smtp[4779]: certificate verification
> failed for smtp.gmail.com: num=27:certificate not trusted
> Dec 15 11:01:15 debian postfix/smtp[4779]: certificate verification
> failed for smtp.gmail.com: num=21:unable to verify the first
> certificate

These you can ignore

> Dec 15 11:01:16 debian postfix/smtp[4779]: warning: SASL
> authentication failure: No worthy mechs found
> Dec 15 11:01:16 debian postfix/smtp[4779]: 21BB842ABC: SASL
> authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server
> smtp.gmail.com[]: no mechanism available
> Dec 15 11:01:18 debian postfix/smtp[4779]: certificate verification

Aha, the old "no worthy mechs" error. What libsasl packages do you have 
installed? Please post the output of

dpkg -l libsasl*

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(Albert Einstein)

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