On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 11:08:46AM +1100, hce wrote:
> Sorry for faulse alarm, it is actually working. I sent a test mail
> from my mutt client, the  mail was received, but not delivered by the
> pop server. Some how, the fetchmail stopped workijng. That is another
> issue I'll have to fix it myselfe.

If you are trying to retrieve your own test mail from gmail that won't 
work due to a strange idea of gmail: there should only be one copy of an 
email. Because this is a sent mail they won't allow you to retrieve it, 
though it will show up in the inbox on the web.

The same goes for postings to mailing lists. I post using the gmail 
account, but I receive using another mail address, because gmail would 
just discard my own postings received through the mailing list (though 
they are not 100% identical to the sent ones).

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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