Steve Lamb wrote:
What's worse is that so far noone's told me how two people using C-R ever
*start* communicating. Person 1 mails person 2. Person 2's C-R sends off a
challenge to Person 1. Person 1's C-R sends off a challenge to Person 2. Repeat.

I think the theory is that Person 1 automatically whitelists person 2 when he sends him an email. Not that I really see how this helps when person 1 sends email from computer X and receives email on computer Y. Apparently these people only ever use one computer.

It is just like spam. A little here, a little there isn't
annoying. Several a day is.

It is worse than spam. At least spam is sent by known a**holes, these are sent by people who presumably want to communicate with you; it boggles the mind.

And if it was Alan's challenge-response system which caused his mail to not thread properly, I'd either laugh or cry, probably both.

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