On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 21:17:05 +0200
David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Friendly configured, in my point of view, means that mailing lists are
> whitelisted. Or do you mean that you really send mail to 3 'new' persons
> a day? Or do you send bulk email? I guess I misunderstand you...

    3 new unique addresses a day is the average.  Obviously sometimes it is
less, sometimes it is more.  I join lists very rarely.  You'll note the To:
field above does not change.  That list was obtained by grepping over my
archives for the past ~5 years for the To: field, sorting the resulting list,
running uniq against it and then shoving it through wc.  So this entire
conversation on devian-user is 1 unique address.

> Good point. However, if a MUA respects the In-Reply-To header this
> should be no problem. You can whitelist based on that too, I guess...

    How?  That provides another hole for the spammer to get through.  Unless
you're going to keep a database of all the message IDs you've sent out.  For
some people that can get pretty big pretty fast:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Mail-sh/archives} find . | wc -l

> Well, I am led to believe that most spam doesn't have a valid reply
> address. So no scripting can help a spammer, unless he wants to deal
> with his ISP. But, I _do_ wonder what a C-R system would do to those
> 'urgent business proposal' spam. Are there valid addresses behind those?
> Otherwise I _really_ don't see the point of this spam.

    As I pointed out there are static, well known spammers.  I listed two that
have been hitting my machine regulardly for days now.  I can add another:
> By sending an e-mail, you automatically whitelist the To: addresses.

    How?  Oh, right, I have to take that address, go into the configurations
and add it manually.  No, thanks, that inconveniences me more than the current
system does now with little to no benefit.
> Then I'm lucky. I send e-mails, and sometimes quite a lot, but only to
> people that I know. Sometimes to new people, but I could deal with that.
> But if you are unlucky, I see how C-R can be annoying.

    It is not a matter of luck, it is a matter of courtesy.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
                               |    -- Lenny Nero - Strange Days

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