On Monday 14 July 2008 02:11:38 pm Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp) wrote:
> > What you are proposing is that packages move from Unstable, to a Testing
> > alpha package, then to Testing which would be the basis of the RC's, and
> > then onward to Stable.
> To be blunt... -Fail-
> That is not what I have suggested what so ever in any way shape or form.
> I could re-explain but I won't... you just wasted 8 reading paragraphs
> of my life listening to you arguing against a suggestion I didn't make.
> Please re-read what I suggested in my -original- message and not the one
> with the highlights for the other person that totally misunderstood the
> purpose of original message.
> Steven

Or, How to win friends and influence people.  I will re-read it.  

Damon L. Chesser

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