On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 07:44:02PM +0100, Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp) wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
>> to add to this... it sounds like OP is asking for known good snapshots
>> of lenny to be tagged somehow and frozen until the next known good
>> snapshot comes along. Okay, it's an interesting idea..
> You're the first person to truly grasp what I was trying to say, I'm  
> sorry folks if it was confusing but to me it really didn't read back as  
> confusing.
>> 1) who determines what constitutes a known-good snapshot?   
> No idea, what do you think?  Seriously I don't know.
>> 2) and which of the roughly 18000 packages are to be included in the
>> snapshot?
>> 3)does that mean that the entire repo is duplicated at that point in
>> time? that adds roughly 25% of the current repo size for every
>> snapshot that is kept around
> Hopefully the repo doesn't need to be duplicated... I was thinking there  
> might be a way of informing the preinstalled apt from the Alpha ISO cd  
> that it should ignore updates until just a flag is raised.  Thus you  
> don't need another repository.

so you would have to either create all the disk images for a complete
install (like 16 cds, don't know how many dvd's) and host those, or
create a snapshot of the repo for installing over the network. 

>> 4) security updates? the security team has enough to do already, you
>> don't seriously think its a good idea to "freeze" a potentially
>> bug-ridden pre-release set of packages without security support, do
>> you?
> It's Alpha... so yes you freeze it and face the risks...
>> 5) if security support is provided for alpha snapshots, is security
>> expected to backport fixes to the latest alpha snapshot even if
>> testing has moved on to another later version but hasn't yet kicked
>> out a new snapshot yet?
> It wouldn't be supported.
>> it's a complicated thing that OP proposes, I think. ISTM that it's
>> much easier to realize that testing is a "moving target" alpha
>> release (complete with security support, BTW) and the RC's are beta
>> releases.
> Nope, its not complicated now you have those answers I hope :D

I still think it's more complicated than you make it out to be. I
personally don't buy it, but if it's what you really need, and if
you aren't alone, then perhaps you can generate enough momentum to get
it done. Or, heck, do it yourself! You could certainly run your own
repository and pull updates into as needed to generate this alpha


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