On Monday 17 November 2008, "s. keeling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about 'Re: Q: List Policy':
>Perhaps we need one of the listmasters to enforce the usage
>guidelines?  Post HTML or Cc: too often, and ...
>Nah.  Dumb idea.

Well, there has to be some punishment for not following the rules, or 
people won't follow them, right?

It would be nice for the list to auto-respond to any HTML posting with 
a "You've posted HTML, which is against list policy, please configure your 
client to send plain text email." message.  Following that notice would be 
instruction on how to do this for various clients, and instructions for 
who to email with corrections if the instructions are wrong or incomplete.

As far as the CC's, I suppose I'll just have to admonish those individuals 
directly.  (It would be nigh impossible for the list software to know the 
the poster had requested a CC or not.)  I can always killfile them if they 
get too annoying.  ;)
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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