On Tuesday 18 November 2008, s. keeling wrote:
> Hal Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >  Seriously, the reason I've been thinking about keeping the mail on
> > the sending system is to make reference easier -- in case the mail
> > server goes wrong  or something.  In the past it seems like things
> > go wrong in bunches, so I've started to plan for multiple failures
> > when I'm setting things up.  If the messages stay on the
> > originating system until KMail picks them up, then there's no
> > chance of them getting lost on a 3rd system.
> I would think it more important to get them off those other machines
> and onto the mail server so they can be backed up now.  There's what,
> fifve harddrives on those machines which may fail at any time.  The
> server's only got one drive for you to worry about, and presumably it
> gets far better care than the satellite systems.

I think you're thinking of the 4 drive RAID you've heard me mention 
either here or in another list.  The system I'm working with now does 
have a RAID, but /var is on a single drive which, at this point, is 
almost brand new.  And since this is on my *business* system (called 
Scarecrow, since it's the brains of the outfit), as in the 'puter that 
generates the data that I sell to pay the rent, it is the box that gets 
1st priority on hardware.

If I had some serious problem, I could install dnsmasq and a couple 
other programs on Scarecrow and run it on its own but the mail/dns/print 
server is on an embedded Soekris box with a smaller hard drive and could 
never handle the workload Scarecrow does.

> > > >> If you don't agree with me, you are worse than Hitler!!!
> > > >
> > > > You mean there are people who agree with you?!?
> > >
> > > Only those who are right-minded...
> >
> >  You misspelled Reich.
> Don't ask him about Paris Hilton.

I don't even bother with (media) sluts.


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