consultores1 wrote:

> El lun, 05-01-2009 a las 13:58 +0100, Emanoil Kotsev escribió:
>> consultores1 wrote:
>> > 
>> > yes, i want to show my desktop and videos, presentations and all what i
>> > do in my laptop.
>> > 
>> You have to configure the tv out (s-video) as second display output, then
>> configure your desktop to use two displays, where your 1st display is the
>> computer monitor and the second the tv.
> If i do dmesg | tail, the TV is not recognized, but if i do it with a
> monitor; it works. I assume the tv is not recognized.

monitor works different then tv output - I think on the VGA/DVI outputs
there is a sense key to check if something is attached.

>> It can be done on user land with xrandr, but may be the tv extention has
>> to be enabled in the xorg.conf. I've never tried s-video myself but you
>> can have a look on my xrandr output below and notice the TV and TMDS
>> output lines. With xrandr you can configure it very easy: man xranrd.
>> I'm using lenny with kde 3.5.10 with intel video on a dell latitude and a
>> combination of xorg.conf and xrandr script to get 2 displays working. ATI
>> and NVidea, which I've been using occasionally too, are easier to
>> configure.
> yes, it works with a monitor, but not with my TV! xrandr can't see the
> TV.

may be you have to enable the proper extension for your video driver

>> On windows either the driver or an additional app usually provide a
>> configuration interface for the task and the display manager can control
>> the output.
> yes, it is what i a looking for, and i found something similar at totem
> configuration.

don't understand what you mean with totem config

>> (Attention: If you are using intel graphics chip most probably you have
>> to disable drm/3d)
> no, i'm using a 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation
> C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)

try then reading the manuals for the driver

man nvidia or man nv

I don't have it installed here on my system, but my father has it and
recently I configured it. unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the TV
output as he is not using it.
But from my experience with intel card you should define the output in your

there seems to be a utility called nvtv

about xorg.conf with TV I googled fast and found this which gives an idea

I'm using

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML
Express Integrated Graphics Controller"
        Driver          "intel"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"
#       VideoRam        512000  # Obsolate
        Option          "monitor-VGA" "PHL"
        Option          "monitor-LVDS" "DLCD"
  Option      "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,VGA"
  Option      "EnableMonitor" "LVDS,VGA"
  Option      "ForceMonitors" "LVDS,VGA"


I would use for TV

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML
Express Integrated Graphics Controller"
        Driver          "intel"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"
#       VideoRam        512000  # Obsolate
        Option          "monitor-TV" "TV"
        Option          "monitor-LVDS" "DLCD"
  Option      "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,TV"
  Option      "EnableMonitor" "LVDS,TV"
  Option      "ForceMonitors" "LVDS,TV"


and setup a corresponding monitor section

Section "Monitor"
#  DisplaySize  376 301
  HorizSync    30-90
  Identifier   "TV"
  ModelName    "800x...@70hz"
  VendorName   "TV Vendor"
  VertRefresh  58-72
  UseModes     "Modes[0]"

and modes if necessary ... but I never did use it recently


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