Chris Jones wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 01:51:31PM EDT, Florian Kulzer wrote:
> [..]
>> I need to see the relevant context quoted (properly trimmed as the
>> discussion progresses, of course), especially if a thread has run for
>> a while. 
> Most "business" mail runs something like this:
> -> hey, Dee.. got my fax?
>    (Cc: my boss, her boss.. )
> <- Yeah, got it.. Thanks!
>    (Cc: same)
> Where I work, over 90% of the emails that I see are of this nature.
> There's no need for "context" whatsoever.. all parties know what the fax
> is about.. 

Does that example represent two message or one?

If it's one:

That's a good example of bottom posting (quoting what's being replied to
("got my fax?) for context about the reply ("got it").

If it's two:

How can you argue that there's no need for context?  Without context, when
someone writes "Yeah, got it...", how can the recipient know which thing the
writer is asking about (what "it" represents)?  (Well, unless the
correspondents can't handle having several things in their queues at once so
that at any point in time there's only one possible thing that "it" could
refer to.)

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

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