On Mon,25.May.09, 16:20:44, marc wrote:

> I read a defensive post on the Kubuntu list - there is a *lot* of 
> defensiveness around kde4 at the moment - that claims that kde4 is a 
> rewrite and so users should adjust their expectations accordingly.
> It reminded me of Joel Spolsky's article, 'Things You Should Never Do':
>   http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000069.html
> "They make the single worst strategic mistake that any software company 
> can make: They decided to rewrite the code from scratch."
> "if [they] actually had some adult supervision with software industry 
> experience, they might not have shot themselves in the foot so badly."
Looks like an interesting article, but I didn't see any mention of FLOSS 
other than using emacs to write it, all examples are based on 
proprietary software.

> The whole kde4 fiasco has radically altered my view of FOSS. I now know, 
> with very few exceptions, that the leaders of FOSS projects are very, 
> very inexperienced at real world software delivery.

You are assuming a market. FOSS works more like a jungle: survival of 
the fittest. Maybe some users will migrate away from KDE, maybe some 
will join. Only time will tell.

> Heaven help us when Linus moves on. I bet there are folk lining up to 
> rewrite the kernel right now. And there will be a huge queue of folk 
> right behind them shrieking, "New! Shiny!".

How much code does 2.6 have in common with 2.4?

> I think I'll buy a Mac.

Of course, they just "rewrote" the entire OS ;)

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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