On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 08:09:49AM -0800, Bob McGowan wrote:
> Ken Teague wrote:
> > 
> > [501]it...@iceland:~$ ls -ld $HOME
> > drwx------  16 itsme  arpa  1024 Oct 21 18:39 /arpa/nl/i/itsme
> > [502]it...@iceland:~$ ls -l html
> > lrwx------  1 itsme  arpa  16 Jan 26  2009 html -> /www/am/i/itsme
> > [503]it...@iceland:~$ ls -ld /www/am/i/itsme
> > drwxr-x--x  4 itsme  nobody  512 Oct 30 19:37 /www/am/i/itsme
> > 
> > This, to me, looks like the most elegant approach.
> > 
> Actually, this is the sort of situation where a $HOME permission of 711
> would be useful.  Disallowing wild card based access but if the full
> name is known, the file can be read (assuming it has the correct
> permissions, of course).
> You could even go so far as to set the group ownership of $HOME to the
> www-data group and set $HOME to be 710.

The way I have it set up is $HOME has rwxr-x--x, public_html has
rwxr-s--- chgrp'd to www-data. Most of my files are rw-------, except
where group read is required, files that fall into that category are
usually located in other directories with relevant permissions set up.
I suppose by now we should really be using acl's though.


You may be right, I may be crazy,
But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for!
                -- Billy Joel

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