Dotan Cohen wrote at 2010-01-08 15:52 -0600:
> > In addition to using chmod as suggested by others, for securing
> > your files, why not try using encfs on directories that you *really* want
> > to protect from prying eyes? The added bonus is even root cannot see
> > those files and booting off a cd also will not let others look at
> > your files.
> Thanks for the idea. I do not need that level of security, I just want
> to open another account on this machine so that my neighbour can send
> me pics of our daughters' joint birthday party over wifi! I like
> having the security that if some component of this machine breaks, I
> can mount the drive anywhere and recover the data.

Have you considered Samba?  I think you can set up a password-protected or 
public share without adding a user to the system.

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