Wayne Gemmell wrote:
"Walt L. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there anyone else out there being mail bombed with emails
that look like there from M$? The rate at which their coming
is increasing exponentially.

I recieved 10Mb of mail over the weekend, and I the last 12 hours I recieved another 10Mb. I have a 10Mb internet based, downloadable mailbox and at this rate I should recieve mail for 3 hours tomorrow before it becomes flooded! Its very disturbing. I'd love to get my hands on the person responsible for this!

  My solution has been exim4, exiscan-acl, clamav, spamassassin and
liberal use of shorewall's blacklist.

I can't see any solution to this. Downloading this amount of mail during the day would cost me a fortune *sniff*

Maybe it sounds drastic but I even thought of making some type of acl of who can send me e-mail and deny the rest with a msg of "If you really want to Send me E-mail send a mail with the Subject "Request to send you e-mail", setting another e-mail account in which only subjects like "Request to send you e-mail" would allow me to know if somebody who wants to send me e-mail, and therefore I would allow their addresses is that is what I want...

I know how it sounds.. but when one becomes desperate..

Maybe this would be the future for e-mail, deny all but specified...


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