On 24 April 2011 10:05, William Cooper <wkcoo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 23 April 2011 17:56, Panayiotis Karabassis <pan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 04/23/2011 06:04 PM, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
>> > Sounds like the problem is in your host, can you try the same pieces in
>> > another box?
>> Actually I tried on two boxes, a desktop running Squeeze and a notebook
>> running Wheezy.
>> The first enclosure failed on both, the second worked for a while and
>> then I had to 'halt -nf' the computer. Probably the filesystem became
>> corrupt during this, because the case signaled an error afterwards.
>> Anyway I solved my problem by connecting the hdd directly to the
>> motherboard.
>> I'd like to research this further, but I've returned both cases to the
>> shop.
>> --
>> Regards
>>    Panayiotis Karabassis
> I've had similar problems with an enclosure from a company called Zogis
> using WD drives (don't have any other drive types to test yet), will not be
> detected under Linux or Windows. I'm in the process of trying to identify
> the problem and if necessary return/exchange/whatever the enclosures.
> Bill

There are variables of all sorts in scenarios like this.
I have a 1TB Seagate external expansion drive.
It is recognised and installed under windows and Debian - everything from
Lenny to current unstable.
But with the BSDs?
Not a chance!
With FreeBSD and PC-BSD it is dropped at the USB register stage of both the
install and all consequent boots after O.S. install - so it's in the
An extremely rough hack of unplugging it at the wall immediately prior to
that and immediately plugging it back in, forces recognition, but who needs

On install, even after recognition, the drive is impossible to find
anywhere, so it can't be configured in for mount.

What do you put that down to?
Code - firmware interface?
Other brands of external drives are recognised, installed, partitioned and
immediately available/operable after initial boot, which would appear to
give credence to that.

I sympathise with your problem.
What do you do in this regard? Keep on buying enclosures/drives till you
find one that works? Perhaps an update to compatible hardware lists and
manufacturer notifications in this aspect also?



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