On Jo, 09 iun 11, 04:26:23, Mark Panen wrote:
> Hi
> I am using KDE on 6.0.0, knetworkmanager uses auto eth0 to get a DHCP
> address. I have added a wired connection for a static address, but

Added where, in Network Manager (NM)?

> each time i reboot it uses the auto eth0 and i want a static address.
> Here is my setup:

You posted your /etc/network/interfaces , but NM doesn't read 
configurations from that file. First you need to decide if you need/want 
NM. IMO it is not really useful for a desktop with a single connection, 
but you didn't give more details.

If you go this way best is to completely purge all NM related packages 
and go with the config posted by Lisi.

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