On 16 August 2011 05:51, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:56:46 +1000, Heddle Weaver wrote:
> > On 15 August 2011 21:34, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> wrote:

Okay, so it seems there is no telnet service available in route :-)
> How about a simple "wget"?

weaver@Bandit:~$ su
Bandit:/home/weaver# wget
--2011-08-16 06:06:49--
Connecting to failed: Connection timed out.

--2011-08-16 06:07:36--  (try: 2)
Connecting to failed: Connection timed out.

--2011-08-16 06:08:23--  (try: 3)
Connecting to failed: Connection timed out.

> > The latest hint is this pop-up when the browser is loading:
> >
> > Unexpected error updating default notary_list from web: [Exception...
> > "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
> > [nsIDataSignatureVerifier.verifyData]"  nsresult: "0x80004005
> > (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame ::
> > chrome://perspectives/content/common.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 185"
> > data: no]
> Looks like a javascript error/warning but not enough to tell if just this
> can prevent the whole page from loading :-?
> > At this stage, I don't think there's anything wrong with the modem.
> > Especially when it is considered that:
> >
> >    - This is another new modem, as an exchange for another new one of
> >    the same type that I got the same behaviour from;
> >    - These modems are noted as being a good model;
> >
> >
> >    - I have been able to get an immediate connection to the modem from
> >    another laptop with M$'s XP.
> >
> > I think I have messed up my install inadvertently, in a way that the
> > fact that it is SID doesn't account for.
> Really, I can't see how your network configuration can be a problem here.
> If you have setup static values for your NIC and you can ping/reach your
> DSL router you should get the same you get when using a Windows client.
> There is no more magic behind an ethernet device and that's precisely its
> best bet: it works regardless the OS and does not require for special
> drivers :-)

I'm thinking it must be something under the network config.
Something in the O.S. itself that has come adrift.
I'll try a reinstall.
My /home partition is on an external drive, so the data is safe and a
reinstall doesn't represent as much of a problem as it would otherwise.


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by the wise as false,
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