On 21 August 2011 13:28, Andrew McGlashan <
andrew.mcglas...@affinityvision.com.au> wrote:

> Hi,
> Heddle Weaver wrote:
>> So it looks more and more like hardware.
>> Regards,
> I don't agree.
> The 7800N is one of Billion's best modems, it may be faulty, but I don't
> think so reading through all this horrible thread.

As I have already said, if you had actually read the thread.

>  The thread and your experience completely mis-represents Billion's product
> as it seems you are clueless on how to use it properly and as designed

No, I have not represented Billion's product, I have actually endorsed it.

> -- ala, as others have said, it should not require anything special and
> almost ANY reasonable browser will work fine for configuration with standard
> browser settings on Linux or Windows or any other operating system that
> understands and works properly with standard TCP networks.

But, it doesn't. Access to the modem interface has not been achieved through
the use of four separate browsers. But, you would know this, having read the

> What I find happens with many Mac users is that they try to setup PPP login
> on their computer, when the modem is meant to be doing the job for their
> network.  This kind of problem is not something that is normally seen with
> Linux users as they tend to have more of a clue than a Mac user and usually
> more of a clue than most Windows users.

This is somewhat extraneous as there is no Mac or network, other than a
laptop and the modem.

> I suggest the following:
> First off, connect the modem directly to the setup machine via the Ethernet
> cable using a LAN port, do not connect to any other devices, ie no switches
> or other network -- just the modem with the computer.

This has already been done. It is fully recorded in the thread.

> Oh, connect the phone line of the DSL connection too, make sure it isn't
> filtered coming in to the modem.

Yes, so far a standard set-up. And what I've had from the beginning of this

>  -  Fully reset the 7800N to factory defaults, any way you can, even using
> the Windows machine.

This is accomplished by way of using the 'reset' button. A facility on most

>  -  Use a LIVE CD and eliminate your Linux installation from the equation.
>  The Live CD needs to work, it needs to have drivers for your network card
> -- if it works fine, then proceed using the setup, otherwise continue with
> the Windows machine.

There's nothing wrong with the O.S., which has also been recently
established. When I was referring to a hardware problem, I was referring to
the motherboard of an ageing laptop.

>  -  Check that you have an IP address in the range of the modem's standard
> LAN (probably or, netmask is
>  -  You should be able to telnet to the modem with username admin and
> password admin -- logout with "user logout" on the command line interface,
> don't do anything else here, you seem to be out of your depth in this area.
>  This will prove connectivity with the modem on it's network and that
> everything should be fine.

We have already done this and access is not available by way of telnet or
wget. But, you would know this, having read the thread.

> Take a breath.....
> If all the above works fine, then you should use the web config of the
> modem.

Take a breath. This is not achievable under the current circumstances,
because we cannot access the modem interface. You seem to be under the
impression that this is the first modem I have configured. It isn't.

>  -  Login to the web config using -- the username and
> password will both be "admin".  Once logged in.
> -   Run the quick start wizard.  Change only two things, the ISP username
> and the ISP password.  [You may want to scan connection types first, or
> not).  ISPs may give you DNS servers and other setting, but you normally
> only want to change two things, the PPP username login and the PPP password.
>  -  Once you have gone through setting up the ISP login (which the modem
> takes care of), then do a "save configuration" to flash, click on the save
> link, then click on the apply button -- wait for it to say it has been done
> successfully.
> You should now have a modem that offers default wireless (fix that ASAP),
> it should give out IP settings via DHCP (it's own built-in server) and it
> will be connected to the Internet via the ISP login that you entered.
> Any machine needing access to the Internet through this modem will simply
> plug in to the built-in LAN switch or use wireless.  The device will get IP
> settings via DHCP.  You do not need to do any kind of PPP login on anything
> other than the modem itself.
> Further configuration is for someone whom understands the above things
> properly first, for starters.

All of this is understood, you see. But first we need to access the modem
interface, yes/no?

>  Any further configuration is more advanced.  I strongly urge you to work
> out, properly, how to secure the wireless effectively -- change the network
> name from default, don't use WEP, do use WPA2-PSK with a long and strong
> password, forget about trying to hide the network or limiting via MAC
> addresses as both of these options are pointless.
> If you are unable to manage the above, effectively, I am sure that there
> are many local people (some maybe even IT consultants), whom should be able
> to handle this very, very easily

Not if they can't access the interface.

> -- you'll probably need to have a friend help you or pay a consultant to
> fix it for you.  There was advice I heard a few times about a Word Perfect
> help desk support call -- it was gold, it might apply to you [1].  Perhaps,
> only perhaps, that is being a bit harsh.
> [1] http://www.free-funny-jokes.**com/from-the-wordperfect-help-**
> desk.html<http://www.free-funny-jokes.com/from-the-wordperfect-help-desk.html>
> Good luck, it seems you really need it or a good pay for consultant to help
> you out -- I don't envy being that consultant in this situation.  ;-)

I find it interesting to observe somebody attempting to elevate their own
level of existence at the expense of somebody else and only succeeding in
demeaning their own status, don't you?
Thanks for your contribution, but if you had read the thread you would see
how little of it applies.
Thanks for dropping by, Slick. I really needed the laugh right about now.


Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

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