On Sat, 29 Sep 2012 01:47:55 -0500
Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com> wrote:

Hello Stan,

>name I suggest above allows even the most challenged users to

I disagree.  the use of the letters INTL are already established,
admittedly in other fields, as representing "International".  For one
letter, what's wrong with AMDINTEL64?

However, x86-64 is the better option, IMO.  Your contention that "most
users don't what it is, they've never heard of it" may be true in the
general sense, but we're talking Linux adopters here;  On the whole,
they're a bit more technically savvy that the average Joe.

Having said that, I am aware that something is changing as the
IA64/AMD64 question is getting asked more frequently these days.
Whether that's because there are more adopters that are not quite as
competent as before, I couldn't say.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

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