Chris Bannister wrote:
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 06:38:03AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

At the end-user level I think Debian has a logical flaw.

You are assuming all end-users are equal.

No. I was contrasting the generic end user such as myself to the Debian developers. The groups differ needs, desires, expertise and MOST IMPORTANTLY _RESPONSIBILITIES_. An end user takes responsibility for his own actions (not all of them realize that) and his errors generally will affect only himself. A developer has a social contract with a wide audience a safe and effective product. His errors not only can but WILL affect many people.

It presumes that all software is always available in a repository
(be it FOSS/proprietary, trusted/untrusted, whatever distinction).

Correct, how do you expect Debian to know about software that isn't in a

I don't. There is no reason for them to do so.
Consider, my eldest nephew has been a independent contract programmer for over 20 years. He knows much more about software than I do. [My formal training was in hardware design including those using vacuum tubes.] Why should he not create a package I would find useful and send it to me as a deb? Why would Debian know about it? Why wold they want to? I would still want to be able to install it ;)

Yesterday I found a program (in beta) whose functional writeup was
interesting. In the latest revision a deb package was added to the
previously available formats. I downloaded the package with my
Windows machine (it was available at the instant).

Right, and you authenticated it how?

Essentially in the same manner as you do any time you walk into a Mom & Pop restaurant in a strange city. You observe it and make a judgement call.

I now have a deb
package on a flash drive which Debian can read but has no built-in
convenient method to install.

What is inconvenient with "dpkg -i doubtfulpackage.deb"

Nothing except that until about 4.5 hours ago I was not aware of either it or gdebi ;/

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